Diadragons Mission, Challenges, and Prizes! November 13, 2021Meghan info@expressionmed.comGain points by spreading awareness to win prizes!
I just bought my NFT... Now What? November 12, 2021Meghan SharkusHow to view your Diadragon and watch it hatch! Reminder that only Diadragons purchased before Sunday at 2pm CST will be minted in egg form and hatch at 3pm CST All Diadragons...
What is MetaMask? Why do I need it to store NFTs? How do I use it? November 12, 2021Meghan SharkusYou need a Metamask account to buy NFTS, a new type of digital art. But Why? What even is Metamask?
What is an NFT? What can I do with my NFT? November 12, 2021Meghan SharkusSo you've heard about NFTs, love art, and love our mission but still don't quite understand what NFTS are? That's totally understandable, here's what you need to know.